Use WebVR today, without requiring a special browser build.
- 0
- 0
Domain for default DPDB json is expired
#358 opened by pawelmaczka - 2
Customize controls design + autohide function
#337 opened by KeySeeDev - 5
- 5
Polifyll wont work on iOS - Reproducible example inside
#356 opened by ivnnv - 0
host-provided navigator.getVRDIsplays returns an empty list. how does one force the polyfill to populate the list?
#355 opened by iambumblehead - 1
The polyfill broke down on iOS?
#354 opened by flerokoo - 5
mimeType is not defined
#338 opened by Manny-Mobfish - 1
Touch doesn't work
#353 opened by amiznikov - 0
Remove Cardboard middle white line
#352 opened by Vamoss - 1
- 2
Pose sensor on Android 9 in webview stopped to work
#349 opened by pioncz - 3
Is wake lock base64 video required ?
#350 opened by yuccai - 1
devicemotion event support is removed from chrome 74 on using http:// protocol. works fine with https://
#345 opened by amanonymous - 1
Does this still work and maybe I'm using it wrong?
#347 opened by greggman - 0
screen.orientation.lock() failed
#348 opened by sumleo - 0
On Chrome 74, Enter VR Mode on mobile stops working with http:// protocol.
#344 opened by amanonymous - 2
Markerless AR for web using WebVR
#342 opened by ks1505 - 2
Stopped working on IOS version 12.2
#343 opened by giterium - 3
black screen is rendered when VREffects script is not used with webvr-polyfill
#341 opened by iambumblehead - 5
- 5
Customizing visor profile?
#339 opened by KeySeeDev - 15
Support for Oculus Go
#321 opened by paulmasson - 7
- 7
- 2
Eyes too small on Pixel 2 XL
#333 opened by hdunn - 2
PROVIDE_MOBILE_VRDISPLAY = true may cause native getVRDisplays to fail on mobiles
#335 opened by Artyom17 - 6
- 10
Samsung device variant user agent strings often fail to precisely match DPDB entry
#332 opened by naftalibeder - 4
- 17
Initial orientation correction in hotfix (chrome m65)
#310 opened by env3d - 5
- 6
Glitches on chrome
#311 opened by 0la0 - 0
Document iframe workarounds in Chrome m66+
#317 opened by jsantell - 3
Support WebXR
#318 opened by jsantell - 2
- 2
VRDisplay.resetPose() has no effect
#328 opened by naftalibeder - 1
- 1
Chrome: instead of presented content, there is a black screen with a grid/window and controller
#325 opened by drojdjou - 2
Polyfill returns too large eye dimensions (renderWidth/renderHeight) on Essential PH-1
#324 opened by drojdjou - 1
cdnjs hosting
#320 opened by sashberd - 1
Add touch control in CardboardVR
#319 opened by didacher - 7
- 4
Why not work with some devices?
#315 opened by Hanzofm - 3
Neither device motion nor device orientation can reach cross domain iframe in Chrome 66
#316 opened by fyuvb - 19
- 26
Polyfill broken in Chrome v65+
#307 opened by dustinkerstein - 10
- 5
- 2
Vertex shader coordinates
#306 opened by milcktoast