
BOSSWAVE Remote Agent

Primary LanguageGo

BOSSWAVE Remote Agent (ragent)

Firstly, before you use this tool, ask yourself if you NEED it. The preferred way of connecting to the bosswave network is to run your own agent. You should only consider connecting to a remote agent if you are running a very resource constrained device (e.g a cellphone). Even a device like a raspberry pi can run its own agent.


What ragent server does is listen for connections secured by TLS. When it receives a connection, it first proves to the client that it is in fact the VK that the client is expecting (this is so that ragent cannot be MITM'd even though it has a self-signed certificate). Then the client proves that it is some VK. Then the server looks for a DOT verifying that the client is permitted to use this ragent server. See below for the DOT details

Running a server

To run a ragent server, create an entity for the server (clients will need the VK of this entity to connect). Then run

  ragent server <entity> <listenaddr> <agentaddr>


  ragent server myserverentity.ent

Running a client

The client will provide an OOB socket the same as a real agent, but will do so by forwarding all the requests to a remote server. To run a client, run:

  ragent client <entity> <server> <servervk> <listenaddr>

Note that the full VK must be given because the client cannot resolve an alias until it has an agent! e.g

  ragent client mycliententity.ent ragent.cal-sdb.org:28590 \
    gdIHa4kskW9_gAKm4liWnLPN7lQ8N4L2oqCCdK112fA= \

Note that you will not get any indication of success or failure until a client attempts to open an OOB socket.

Granting a DOT

In order for a client to use a given ragent server, the entity they use must have been given permission to use the ragent. This takes the form of a DOT granted from the server VK to the client VK (directly, with no intermediaries) granting any permissions on the URI "ragent/1.0/full". e.g

  bw2 mkd -f server.ent -t clientVK -u ragent/1.0/full

We may later add finer grained permissions on API versions greater than 1.0. Any revocations or expiries of the DOT or either VK will invalidate the permissions and future connections will be refused.

Small print

This is still an alpha. The security model is sound, but the code panics on literally any error. I'll work on it again in the future to fix that.