
A repository for testing webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webpack Testing

Build Status Dependencies CodeFactor Coverage Status Tests

Webpack Testing is a repository created with the intention of using webpack to compile JS modules. This project create dist folder during build and deploy its content to gh-pages using Travis CI

Table of contents

  1. Set up
  2. Test
  3. Tasks
  4. Useful websites
  5. VS Code Plugins Recommended

Set up

Follow the following steps:

  1. git clone https://github.com/immnk/logo-generator-app.git
  2. cd webpack_testing && npm install
  3. For testing in dev npm start. To test prod NODE_ENV=production npm start
  4. Open dist/index.html in browser.


  1. Open webpack_testing folder where the code is cloned.
  2. Open command prompt at the folder and run npm test


All tasks and issues are listed as items in Tasks & issues in repository Issues tab

  • Write a README file.
  • Write JS modules and compile with webpack
  • Make dist folder with html and js files compiled
  • Create SCSS and compile them with webpack
  • Create API test method and set up
  • Add CI/CD pipelines
  • Make automatic deployments on release branch
  • Create unit test cases with Mocha(JS test framework) and Chai(assertion library)

VS Code Plugins Recommended

  • Beautify
  • Debugger for Chrome
  • ESLint
  • GitLens
  • IntelliSense for CSS class names
  • markdownlint
  • vscode-icons

Useful websites

  1. Mock data - https://www.mockaroo.com/
  2. Background generator - https://cssgradient.io/gradient-backgrounds/
  3. Markdown tricks - https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet


MIT License