
Network Traffic Sniffer and Transport for Glider - Universal Logging for Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift Platform Swift Package Manager CocoaPods Compatible


Glider is the logger for just about everything!

It's designed to be:

  • SIMPLE: with a modular & extensible architecture, fully documented
  • PERFORMANT: you can use Glider without the worry of impacting your app performances
  • UNIVERSAL: it supports 14+ transports to satisfy every need; you can create your transport too!

See the project's page on GitHub for more informations.



NetWatcher package is a simple, unintrusive network activity logger perfectly integrated in Glider. Log every request your app makes, or limit to only those using a certain URLSession if you'd prefer. It also works with Alamofire and RealHTTP, if that's your thing.

  • No code to write and no imports.
  • Record all app traffic that uses NSURLSession.
  • Log the content of all requests, responses, and headers with no hassles with SSL/HTTPS
  • Find, isolate and fix bugs quickly.
  • Also works with external libraries like Alamofire & RealHTTP.
  • Ability to blacklist hosts from being recorded using the array ignoredHosts.
  • Ability to share cURL representation of API requests


NetWatcher is not part of the Glider Core; you can install it by selecting the GliderNetWatcher package when installing the main Glider dependency or by using the GliderNetWatcher.podspec if you are using CocoaPods

Capture Taffic

If you want to capture all the network traffic inside the app, just call captureGlobally() method:

// Start global capture

// ...Same to stop

for URLSessionConfiguration:

let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
**NetWatcher**.shared.capture(true, forSessionConfiguration: configuration)

// ...Same to stop
NetWatcher.shared.capture(false, forSessionConfiguration: configuration)

Most of the time you may want to capture sniffed traffics to send it to a Glider Transport service.
NetWatcher is perfectly integrated: just set your custom configuration before activating the sniffer:

The following example uses the NetArchiveTransport transport; a transport made to store network requests/responses directly in a compact, readable SQLite3 local database (it's like SQLiteTransport).

// Setup the configuration
let archiveURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: ".../sniffed_network.sqlite")
let archiveConfig = NetArchiveTransport.Configuration(location: .fileURL(archiveURL))
// Activate global sniffer


Sometimes you may want to avoid redirecting captured traffic inside a transport and just get notified about the event.
In this case just set the delegate of NetWatcher singleton and listen for events:

class UIApplication: UIApplicationDelegate, NetWatcherDelegate {

  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
      NetWatcher.shared.delegate = self
      return true

  func netWatcher(_ watcher: NetWatcher, didCaptureEvent event: NetworkEvent) {
      // A new event has been captured!
      print("Captured request from \(event.url)...")
  func netWatcher(_ watcher: NetWatcher, shouldRecordRequest request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
    // implement your own logic to filter/ignore a request from being captured.
    // return ...



NetWatcher has two transport specifically made to store network events.
You can, however, create your own implementation to suit your need.


The NetSparseFilesTransport class is used to store network activity inside a root folder.

Each call is stored with a single textual file with the id of the network call and its creation date set to the original call date. Inside each file you can found <cURL command for request>\n\n<raw response data>.

let sparseArchive = NetSparseFilesTransport.Config {
  $0.directoryURL = localFolderURL // location of the directory (will be created if not exists)
  $0.resetAtStartup = false // do not remove previously-stored data at launch


The NetArchiveTransport class is used to store network activity in a compact searchable archive powered by SQLite3.

let archive = NetArchiveTransport.Config {
  $0.databaseLocation = .fileURL(localDbURL)
  $0.throttledTransport = .init { t in
      t.maxEntries = 500 // maximum number of logs to store
  // The maximum age of a log before it it will be removed automatically to preserve the space. Set as you needs.
  $0.lifetimeInterval = 60 * 60 // 1h


Minimum requirements are:

  • Swift 5.5
  • iOS 13+, macOS 11+, tvOS 13.0+

Support & Contribute

Made with ❤️ by ImmobiliareLabs & Contributors

We'd love for you to contribute to Glider!
If you have questions on using Glider, bugs, and enhancement, please feel free to reach out by opening a GitHub Issue.
