
A demo on hosting on heroku of a Flask app using Git

Primary LanguageHTML


A demo on hosting you ML model Flask app on heroku CLI using git.

Note: Heroku provides only 500MB of space for deployment in all.


This is just a demo to deploy a Flask app on Heroku, there are plenty of other hosting platforms available like: pythonanywhere,AWS,gcloud and more, do check them out.


  • Python
  • pip
  • Heroku CLI
  • Git

Files required for Heroku:

  • templates : folder containing your index.html file
  • Procfile : Procfile is a mechanism for declaring what commands are run by your application’s dynos on the Heroku platform
  • requirements.txt : containing the list of all the required libraries.

Rest are the basic Flask App file


create a virtual env

 conda create --name venv
 pip install flask gunicorn
  • get all the files from here or create new

  • Inside the folder perform the following steps

  • create and push all the files in a git repo using

    git add . 
    git commit -m 'first commit'
    git push

-then do

  heroku login
  heroku create name_you_want_for_your_app

  git push heroku master
  • After the above command you'll get a link for the deployed app on your screen.

For more detailed steps follow: Heroku