
A customizable cookie consent banner for Rails applications.

Primary LanguageSCSS

immosquare Cookies Consent Banner

Easily integrate a customizable cookie consent banner in your Ruby on Rails application.

🌍 Available Languages

The gem is available in the following languages:

  • 🇫🇷 French (fr)
  • 🇬🇧 English (en)
  • 🇪🇸 Spanish (es)
  • 🇳🇱 Dutch (nl)
  • 🇮🇹 Italian (it)
  • 🇨🇳 Simplified Chinese (zh)

🚀 Installation

Ensure you have the compatible versions of Ruby and Rails before installation.

Add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem "immosquare-cookies"

Then run:

bundle install

🎨 Styles Integration

For proper styling, include the immosquare-cookies.scss stylesheet. Depending on your Rails version, the way to include it varies:

Rails 5

Add to your application's CSS manifest (usually application.css):

*= require immosquare-cookies

Rails 6 and Above

Make sure that SASS has access to all of Rails' assets (Rails.application.config.assets). Set it up using cssbundling-rails:

  1. In the script section of package.json, invoke:
"scripts": {
    "build:css": "ruby datas/compile_sass.rb",
    "build:css-dev": "ruby datas/compile_sass.rb development"
  1. Place the Ruby script, data/compile_sass.rb, in the appropriate directory:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Require the environment to have access to the application's constants.
require_relative "../config/environment"

# Create the command to execute with all the application's paths (gems, node_modules, etc.)
cmd = "sass ./app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass.scss ./app/assets/builds/application.css #{Rails.application.config.assets.paths.map {|path| "--load-path=#{path}" }.join(" ")}"
cmd += ARGV[0] == "development" ? " --source-map --source-map-urls=absolute --watch" : " --style compressed"

# Execute the command.
  1. Update your Procfile:
puma:     bundle exec puma -C config/puma/development.rb
sidekiq:  bundle exec sidekiq -e development
css:      bun build:css-dev
js:       bun build-dev --watch

🛠 Usage

Display the consent banner by adding to your application layout or specific view:

<%= render("immosquare-cookies/consent_banner") %>

Or with a link:

<%= render("immosquare-cookies/consent_banner", :link => "https://legals.immosquare.com") %>

🍪 Conditional Script Loading based on Cookie Consent

If a user has refused the cookie, you might choose not to load certain scripts, such as those from Google Analytics. Here's a simple example using Rails' ERB template:

<% if cookies["_immosquare_consented"] != "false" %>
  <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-AAAAAAAA"></script>
<% end %>

In the example above, the Google Analytics script will only be loaded if the user has not explicitly refused the cookies.

🎥 Demo

For a visual demonstration, check out the image below or experience it firsthand by visiting our website.



Customize the banner's appearance and text using these options:

Option Default Description
:key "_immosquare_consented" Cookie name storing the user's decision.
:document_name Localized string Title at the banner's top.
:refuse Localized string "Refuse" button text.
:accept Localized string "Accept" button text.
:text Localized string Banner's content text.
:link - URL for the cookie/privacy policy document.
:link_text Localized string Text displayed before the link.
:target "_blank" Link's target, e.g., "_blank" for a new tab.


This gem is i18n-ready. If you don't pass custom text, it will use default translations. Customize translations by adding the appropriate keys to your app's localization files.

The default keys used by the gem are:

  • immosquare-cookies.document_name
  • immosquare-cookies.refuse
  • immosquare-cookies.accept
  • immosquare-cookies.text
  • immosquare-cookies.link_text

Support & Contribution

For bugs or feature requests, open an issue on GitHub.


This gem is under the MIT License.