
Bitcoin implementation in Python(not finished yet)

Primary LanguagePython

About pybtcd

This project is a python fork of btcd which is a full node golang bitcoin implementation.

Now this project is for self-education purpose, under active development.

Project Status

  • wire: Done
  • chainhash: Done
  • chaincfg: Done
  • txscript: Almost(lacking checkmultisigverify)
  • database: Done(need more test case)
  • blockchain: Done(need more test case)
  • btcec: Finish needed
  • btcutil: Finish needed
  • mining: Hold(stuck, need easy python concurrent programming methods)
  • mempool: Doing
  • peer, netsync, connmgr, addrmgr: Todo
  • rpclient, cmd: Todo
  • btcjson: Todo

Technical debts

  • Move const in test case out in one file
  • change: read_variable_bytes and read_var_bytes are too similar
  • The unittest seems very slow at some tests, figure out why
  • txscript/standard txscript/script very messy, Change the structure of whole txscript
  • Change the mix ecdsa cryptools thing in btcec to ecdsa methods
  • Change the ScriptNum to subclass int? and other same class can also do so
  • A much pythonic way to implenmetate treap structure
  • Finish test case for txscript
  • Reconsider of time struct of python, now is int, need a class?
  • Use subclass of Enum or Int to refactor some class
  • Add helper decorator to database, to easy life
  • Add more test case for database packages. now let's just move on
  • Refactor the_ field things
  • refactor txscript_flag to int
  • refacto BlockStatus to inherit bytes
  • Find unbuffer channel like mechanism to finish blockchain/upgrade interrupt_requested
  • Refactor whole logger things
  • Rethink when methods return [], return None instead? How to choose?
  • Refactor blockchain/script_val with aiochan
  • Finish and finish cpuminer.waitgroup


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  • #TOADD