
Horizontally Scalable FSM storing states in MySQL

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Horizontally Scalable FSM storing states in MySQL

The finite state machine is a very classical model. Usually, a finite state machine is manipulated in-memory, so that it requires extra efforts when horizontally scaling. To solve this problem, go-mysql-fsm/fsm is developed, storing and updating the FSM states in MySQL. See docs for more information.

Setup the Database

A MySQL database and a table should be accessible from the environment. For example, we are using the table described below.

mysql> describe fsm.task;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | varchar(64) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| state | varchar(64) | NO   |     |         |       |


Using go-sql-driver/mysql to setup the database connection.

import (

    _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@tcp(")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()

Please see DSN (Data Source Name) for the reference of uri.

Create the Finite State Machine with an ID.

events := []fsm.Event{
    {Name: "NotReady", Src: []string{"Running"}, Dst: "Error"},
    {Name: "Ready", Src: []string{"Initializing", "Error"}, Dst: "Running"},
    {Name: "Stop", Src: []string{"Initializing", "Running", "Error"}, Dst: "Stopped"},
    {Name: "Delete", Src: []string{"Stopped"}, Dst: "Deleted"},

config := fsm.NewConfig(db, "task", "state", "Initializing", events)
f1 := fsm.NewFSM(config, "1")
f2 := fsm.NewFSM(config, "2")

Then we can set or get the states of multiple finite state machines with the same transition rule, identified by different ID's.

state, _ := f1.Current()
state, _ := f2.Current()
state, _ = f1.Current()
state, _ = f2.Current()

Please check the example that updates the finite state machine in multiple go-routines.