
Random stuff I've collected

Primary LanguageShell

This is just a collection of scripts and snippets I've accumulated and would rather not lose.



2key: firmware for a 2key macropad keyboard that prints binary (1 or 0 on tapping, space or backspace on hold); cribbed from this six key sketch


backupCharacters: a script to backup character sheets from my D&D character builder

bloopbackup: a script to backup diaries from bloopdiary.com

yahoochecker: a script to watch and see when a specific Yahoo! IM user comes online


bashrc: custom bashrc configuration I want to share between machines (mostly my preferred aliases). Imported with "source ~/git/odds-and-ends/dotfiles/bashrc" in my local .bashrc file

vimrc: custom Vim configuration. Symlinked to ~/.vimrc


servethis: a simple httpserver that can be run on-demand from any arbitrary directory