
A list of useful scripts I have used to automate my workflow

Primary LanguageShell


A list of useful scripts I have used to automate my workflow

screen.sh is a script that moves your display and changes your resolution, This is useful if your laptop screen has a certain area not working or artefacted. and usually these artefacts occour vertically. Just change the new_x and new_y and the formula to move your screen logically

gitpusher.sh is a quick script that adds all files, commits all of them with a user input message and pushes them to the upstream branch I personally like, the following actions on a commit

  • start
  • stop
  • fix
  • change
  • add
  • edit
  • bug

quickc.sh and safec.sh are scripts that compile c programs with certain common flags. quick compiles without sanitizers, safec compiles with sanitizers

runner.sh is a script that runs awk files on a usr_bin_data.txt files that I used while learning awk. Although you can achieve the same with awk command it is useful if you want to quickly run multiple files

dockerclean.sh stops all containers and then removes all docker components [containers,networks,volumes,dangling images(except downloaded images)]

dockerreset.sh does everything dockerclean does and then deletes downloaded images too