nvim-test 1.2.1
Test Runner for neovim
Language | Test Runners |
C Sharp | dotnet test |
Go | go-test |
Haskell | hspec , stack |
Javascript | jest , mocha |
Lua | busted , vusted |
Python | pytest , pyunit |
Ruby | rspec |
Rust | cargo-test |
Typescript | jest , mocha , ts-mocha |
with packer:
use {
config = function()
The plugin defines the commands:
- run the whole test suiteTestFile
- run all tests for the current fileTestEdit
- edit tests for the current fileTestNearest
- run the test nearest to the cursorTestLast
- rerun the latest testTestVisit
- open the last run test in the current bufferTestInfo
- show an information about the plugin
This plugin must be explicitly enabled by using require("nvim-test").setup{}
Default options:
require('nvim-test').setup {
run = true, -- run tests (using for debug)
commands_create = true, -- create commands (TestFile, TestLast, ...)
filename_modifier = ":.", -- modify filenames before tests run(:h filename-modifiers)
silent = false, -- less notifications
term = "terminal", -- a terminal to run ("terminal"|"toggleterm")
termOpts = {
direction = "vertical", -- terminal's direction ("horizontal"|"vertical"|"float")
width = 96, -- terminal's width (for vertical|float)
height = 24, -- terminal's height (for horizontal|float)
go_back = false, -- return focus to original window after executing
stopinsert = "auto", -- exit from insert mode (true|false|"auto")
keep_one = true, -- keep only one terminal for testing
runners = { -- setup tests runners
cs = "nvim-test.runners.dotnet",
go = "nvim-test.runners.go-test",
haskell = "nvim-test.runners.hspec",
javacriptreact = "nvim-test.runners.jest",
javascript = "nvim-test.runners.jest",
lua = "nvim-test.runners.busted",
python = "nvim-test.runners.pytest",
ruby = "nvim-test.runners.rspec",
rust = "nvim-test.runners.cargo-test",
typescript = "nvim-test.runners.jest",
typescriptreact = "nvim-test.runners.jest",
Setup a runner:
require('nvim-test.runners.jest'):setup {
command = "~/node_modules/.bin/jest", -- a command to run the test runner
args = { "--collectCoverage=false" }, -- default arguments
env = { CUSTOM_VAR = 'value' }, -- custom environment variables
file_pattern = "\\v(__tests__/.*|(spec|test))\\.(js|jsx|coffee|ts|tsx)$", -- determine whether a file is a testfile
find_files = { "{name}.test.{ext}", "{name}.spec.{ext}" }, -- find testfile for a file
filename_modifier = nil, -- modify filename before tests run (:h filename-modifiers)
working_directory = nil, -- set working directory (cwd by default)