A Chat Dapp that is built on the Lukso network and leverages the Lukso Standards Proposals(LSPs) and Universal Profies to create a highly decentralized chat application the is blockchain based.
- 🏗 Scaffold-Eth-next Typescript
- erc725.js
- lsp-contracts.js
This is the typescript repo of scaffold.eth with foundry, rainbowkit , wagmi hooks and nextjs.
The directories that you'll use are:
Running the app
print all the basic project commands
yarn scafold:help
install foundry and project dependencies
yarn install yarn setup
it will install or update foundry
start a foundry node
open a new command prompt
yarn chain
run the app,
open a new command prompt
# build foundry & external contracts types yarn contracts:build # deploy your foundry contracts yarn deploy --network xx (without --network it will deploy on localhost) # start the app yarn dev
deploy on vercel.
yarn vercel:deploy
## (login vercel at first time)