
Curated list of python snippets for busy and equally lazy Data Scientists 😄

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Curated list of python snippets for busy and equally lazy Data Scientists 😄

List of snippets:

  • Deep Learning (deep_learning/)

    • keras_biLSTM.py: Keras based example for biLSTM model from data preparation to model initialzation to final training.
    • keras_callback.py: different callbacks in Keras and how to use them.
    • keras_mean_pooling.py: example on how to do mean pooling in Keras.
    • pytorchl_freezeLayers.py: example code to freeze layers using pytorch lightning.
    • pytorch_dataset_dataloader.py: example of how to load and prepare dataset using dataloaders in pytorch.
  • Machine Learning (machine_learning/)

    • sklearn_hyperparameter_tune_svr.py: Hyperparameter tuning for SVR regression algorithm from sklearn
    • sklearn_cross_validation.py: cross validation example on pandas dataframe using sklearn function
  • Natural Language Processing (natural_language_processing/)

    • finetune_roberta_huggingface.py: fine tune RoBERTa model on text.
    • finetune_bert_huggingface.py: fine tune BERT model on text.
    • pytorchl_BERT_classification.py: perform text classification using BERT model.
  • Google colab (google_colab/)

    • connect_to_google_drive.py: connect to google drive using python script
    • download_file_from_google_colab.py : download specific fil from google colab using python script
  • Python (python/)

    • add_numpy_array_as_pandas_column.py : transform a numpy array into pandas column
    • get_members_of_object.py: Get list of all modules within a class. Can be used to fetch function list.
    • install_package.py: how to install python packages from python code
    • python_packaging.sh: script to clean, build and publish your python package.
    • virtual_environment.sh: how to create and activate a virtual python environment (linux and windows)
  • GIT (git/)

    • git_config.txt: Basic GIT operations to add your username and email id in git config.