Gambiarra is a Lua version of Kludjs, and follows the idea of ultimately minimal unit testing.
This is a fork from of zserges's Gambiarra. It was based on salamandern's changes, but I removed them in ce0ce2cbe4.
Get the sources:
git clone
or git clone
Or get only gambiarra.lua
and start writing tests:
or wget
-- Simple synchronous test
test('Check dogma', function()
ok(2+2 == 5, 'two plus two equals five')
-- A more advanced asyncrhonous test
test('Do it later', function(done)
ok(result == expected)
done() -- this starts the next async test
end, true) -- 'true' means 'async test' here
returns a test function which can also be used to
customize test reports:
local test = require('gambiarra')
test(name:string, f:function, [async:bool])
allows you to define a new test:
test('My sync test', function()
test('My async test', function(done)
end, true)
defines also three helper functions that are added when test is
executed - ok
, eq
, and spy
It's a simple assertion helper. It takes any boolean condition and an optional assertion message. If no message is defined - current filename and line will be used.
ok(1 == 1) -- prints 'foo.lua:42'
ok(1 == 1, 'one equals one') -- prints 'one equals one'
It's a helper to deeply compare lua variables. It supports numbers, strings, booleans, nils,
functions and tables. It's mostly useful within ok()
ok(eq(1, 1))
ok(eq('foo', 'bar'))
ok(eq({a='b',c='d'}, {c='d',a='b'})
If it is used within ok()
and the compared values are not equal, ok()
print what
it expected but what it got.
local x = 1
eq(ok(x, 1), "x is one") -- OUT: "One is one"
eq(ok(x, 2), "x is one") -- OUT: "One is one: Expected 2 but got 1"
eq(ok({a='b',c='d'}, {c='d',a='b'}), "Tables are equal") -- OUT: "Expected table 0864545 but got table 08115636"
-- If you define __tostring metamethods for your tables, they will be used.
It creates function wrappers that remember each their call
(arguments, errors) but behaves much like the real function. Real function is
optional, in this case spy()
will return nil
, but will still record it's calls.
Spies are most helpful when passing them as callbacks and testing that they
were called with correct values.
local f = spy(function(s) return #s end)
ok(f('hello') == 5)
ok(f('foo') == 3)
ok(#f.called == 2)
ok(eq(f.called[1], {'hello'})
ok(eq(f.called[2], {'foo'})
ok(f.errors[3] ~= nil)
To have gambiarra print a concluding report at the end, use test:report()
local test = require "gambiarra"
-- OUT: "All 0 tests passed."
Another useful feature is that you can customize test reports as you need. But default tests are printed in color using ANSI escape sequences. If your environment doesn't support it - you can easily override this behavior as well as add any other information you need (number of passed/failed assertions, time the test took etc):
local passed = 0
local failed = 0
local clock = 0
test(function(event, testfunc, msg)
if event == 'begin' then
print('Started test', testfunc)
passed = 0
failed = 0
clock = os.clock()
elseif event == 'end' then
print('Finished test', testfunc, passed, failed, os.clock() - clock)
elseif event == 'pass' then
passed = passed + 1
elseif event == 'fail' then
print('FAIL', testfunc, msg)
failed = failed + 1
elseif event == 'except' then
print('ERROR', testfunc, msg)
Additionally, you can pass a different environment to keep _G
test(function() ... end, myenv)
test('Some test', function()
local f = myenv.spy()
Please open issues or pull requests at codeberg:
Library supports Lua >5.1. It is distributed under the MIT license. Contributers can be found in Enjoy!