Full Stack React with Redux

For this activity you'll be adding Redux to the famous artists project. Redux has been partially set up in index.js.


  • Fork and clone this repository
  • npm install
  • npm run server
  • npm run client


  • Move the client side artists array from App.js to the artistReducer.
  • Add a Router and navigation to App.js.
  • Create a new component with an add artist form. Make it available at #/add-artist.
  • When submitting the form, POST the new artist to your server. Send the user back to the route displaying the artist list.
    • Data sent to the server should be in the format {name: 'name of artist'}. The id is added by the server.


  • Remove the for loop in ArtistList and replace it with a .map
  • Implement the delete route on the server using .filter().
  • As the user types, store the input data in Redux so that it's not lot when the user navigates to the list and back to the form.
  • Move the data to a database.
  • Add additional properties to the form.
  • Style with Material UI