
Python wrapper for Teng - Template ENGine

Primary LanguageC++


Python module for template engine TENG supporting both 2 and 3 python versions. It should be compatible with original python module and can be used in both 2 and 3 python versions.

For now there are theese issues that can be fixed in the future:

  • other charsets than UTF-8 are not supported


The code bellow creates new instance of the engine and creates fragments root.

from teng import Teng

teng = Teng("/some/template/root/directory/")
root = teng.createDataRoot({})

Now you can add new fragment or update existing fragments with new values.

frag = root.addFragment("fruit", {"name": "banana"})
frag.addVariable("price", 3)
frag.addVariable("weight", "120g")

In the added fragment you can add another nested fragment.

frag.addFragment("color", {"name": "yellow", "img": "yellow-banana.jpg"})


But you can also add multiple fragments as an array of dicts.

frag = root.addFragment("fruit", {"name": "apple", "color": [
    {"name": "red", "img": "red-apple.jpg"},
    {"name": "green", "img": "green-apple.jpg"}]})

And at the end you can generate page like above.

result = teng.generatePage(templateString="<?teng debug?>", data=root, configFilename="/some/conf.conf")


If the /some/conf.conf exists and contains %enable debug than you should see something like this:

Template sources:

Language dictionary sources:

Configuration dictionary sources:

    debug: enabled
    errorfragment: disabled
    logtooutput: disabled
    bytecode: disabled
    watchfiles: enabled
    maxincludedepth: 10
    maxdebugvallength: 40
    format: enabled
    alwaysescape: enabled
    shorttag: disabled

Application data:
    name: "banana"
    price: "3"
    weight: "120g"
        img: "yellow-banana.jpg"
        name: "yellow"

    name: "apple"
        img: "red-apple.jpg"
        name: "red"

        img: "green-apple.jpg"
        name: "green"