
  • This project is a simple user service.
  • Tech stacks: Golang, Postgres (Docker)
  • I used golang-migrate to migrate db
  • I used echo framework for providing routers
  • I used sqlc for interact with DB

How to run:

  • View Make file for commands
  • If you want to run this project, you need to dockerize Postgres by running:
    • make db //NOTE: to create a container for db
    • make createdb //NOTE: create a db in the above container
    • make miup //NOTE: migrate db
    • make server //NOTE: run the server
    • then use Postman to run:
      • GET: localhost:8000 //NOTE: get Hello, World!
      • POST: localhost:8000/users with json //NOTE: create a new user { "username": "anything_you_like", "email": "anything_you_like@email.com" }
      • GET: localhost:8000/anything_you_like //NOTE: get created user