
Collection of usage of important scripts

Welcome to Scripts!

This repo is a collection of scripts.

Python3 packages

This is used to remove all the packages installed on root directory / the machine rather than installing it in virtualenv.

pip3 freeze --local | xargs pip3 uninstall -y

Cut command

Suppose there is a file data.csv and you want to take out characters 1 to 5

cat data.csv | cut -c 1-5
-c means column

Suppose the data.csvfile contains data like 1

System ID,School,Phone,Address,City,State,Zip,Type,Principal 569,Happy Valley Elementary School,814-555-1212,332 Innovation Boulevard,State College,PA,16801,Elementary,Mr. Jenkins

The command for taking out values of the first col by using the delimiter ','

cut data.csv | cut -d ',' -f 1

-d is delimiter and -f is field number

Cat command

Suppose there is a file and we need to read contents of a file

cat file.txt
cat file1.txt file2.txt
This is used to show  multiple files 

Copy contents of file1 to file2

cat file1.txt > file2.txt

Appemnd contents of file1 to file2

cat file1.txt >> file2.txt


This is used to tell the system that this is a shell script

Grep command

Match all words starting with Ind

cat words.txt | grep "Ind.*"

Match all words ending with age

cat words.txt | grep ".*age$"

Grep file filename

grep -HRi 'json' *
-R  is recursive, -H is filename, -i is case-insensitive


Fucntion: Print file name of standard input's terminal


A pipe is a form of redirection that is used in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems to send the output of one program to another program for further processing


cat words.txt | sort -k 2 -k select the field upon which the sorting to be implemented


Filter out repeated lines

cat nums.txt | uniq



Applying command to above input cat input.txt | uniq -c -c represents count of each element mae unique


1 1
2 2 
3 3  

Head, tail and tr

Get lines from 345 to 360

cat words.txt | head -360 | tail -15

Replace the charaters

cat data.csv | tr '[a-z][A-Z]' '[A-Z][a-z]' Replaces the [a-z][A-Z] by [A-Z][a-z] repectively

Replacing numbers with x

cat data.csv | tr '[0-9]' 'x'

Remove all the digits

cat data.csv | tr -d '[0-9]' . -d represents delete flag

Regex in bash

Match all words starting with non-vowel and end with a vowel

cat filename | grep "^[^aeiou].*[aeiou]"

Regex important concepts :

'.' (dot) - Matches any single character except the newline character (\n).
'*' (star) - Matches zero or more occurrence of the immediately preceding character.
'<' - Matches the beginning of a word
'>' - Matches the ending of a word
'^' - Matches the beginning of a line
'$' - Matches the end of a line  
'{m}' - Matches the exactly regex ‘m’
'{m,}' - Matches the at least regex ‘m’
'{m,n}' - Matches the preceding regex ‘m’ to ‘n’ times

'[:alnum:]' - Alphanumeric characters; same as [a-zA-Z0-9]
'[:digit:]' - Digits; same as [0-9]
'[:punct:]' - Punctuation characters

Sed - Stream Editor

 Sed is a powerful text stream editor which can do insertion, deletion, search and replace.



 sed 's/a\{2,\}/a/g' input
 s is substitution
 2nd parameter is string to be replaced
 3rd parameter is by whom string is to be replaced
 4th parameter decides the occurences. 
 Here, g represents global or all occurences. It can be replaced by 1,2,etc. 3g means from 3rd occurence to last. 

 sed '3 s/a\{2,\}/a/g' input
 Here ONLY 3rd line gets modified

 sed 's/a\{2,\}/a/p' input
 prints only modified lines 


Git Squash

 git rebase -i HEAD~2
 pick 2d603a2 chore: practicing git .   - oldest commit 
 pick 5e4eae4 Squash test .   - latest commit

 pick 2d603a2 chore: practicing git .   - oldest commit 
 sqash 5e4eae4 Squash test .   - latest commit
 Change last N-1 commits to squash 
 This is used to squash last N commits into 1 commit 

Remove all pycache files

find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf

Revert remote branch to previous commit

 git reset --hard <commit-hash>
 git push -f origin master