
Digital Ocean Infrastructure

Primary LanguagePython

Impleri Infrastructure

The infrastructure is a simple one based on Terraform and Ansible setting up Docker Swarm rather than more automated such as what Kubernetes could provide. Underyling nodes are managed via terraform. Everything is hosted in Digital Ocean, but the following could be adapted for most hosting providers.


  1. Terraform
  2. Ansible
  3. Terraform-inventory

Swarm Setup

  1. Create Terraform terraform.tfvars with the right data.
  2. Use Terraform to generate droplets/nodes and a load balancer: terraform init && terraform apply
  3. Use Ansible to provision the nodes using inventory generated from Terraform-inventory: ansible-playbook --inventory-file=`which terraform-inventory` playbooks/swarm.yml
  4. Register the IP addresses from terraform output (if not using DO's DNS).

Steps 2-4 can be automated in run.sh