Appeni Coding Challenge

A client asks you to gather information linked to social media accounts of a particular user. The architecting engineer has given you the following specifications. Anything that is not listed is considered optional and up to your experience & time management.

Write JSON API endpoints that do the following:

  1. Given a facebook page, post, or photo, return a value indicating whether a particular user liked or shared that page, post, or photo.

  2. Given a twitter handle, post, page, photo, or hashtag, return a value indicating whether a particular user is following that handle, retweeted a post, tweeted with a hashtag, or shared the photo.

  3. Given a google plus profile, return a value indicating whether a particular user is following the profile.

  4. Given an instagram profile, return a value indicating whether a particular user is following the profile.

  5. Submit a photo/video on behalf of an instragram user.

  6. Comment on a video on behalf of a youtube user.

  7. Subscribe to a channel on behalf of a youtube user.

  8. Given a youtube video, determine if a particular user has watched the video.


  • Language must be PHP.
  • If storing information is necessary, use a MySQL database.
  • Using a framework is optional.