
Well shiver me timbers! A Satchless-based store!

Primary LanguagePython


Avast ye landlubbers! Saleor be a Satchless store ye can fork.

Build Status


  1. Use django-admin.py to start a new project using Saleor as template:

    $ django-admin.py startproject \
    --template=https://github.com/mirumee/saleor/archive/master.zip myproject
  2. Enter the directory:

    $ cd myproject/
  3. Install it in development mode:

    $ python setup.py develop

    (For production use python setup.py install instead.)

  4. Prepare the database:

    $ saleor syncdb --all

    saleor is a shortcut for running python manage.py so you can use it to execute all management commands.

Google Analytics

Because of EU law regulations, Saleor will not use any tracking cookies by default. We do support server-side Google Analytics out of the box using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol. This is implemented using google-measurement-protocol and does not use cookies at the cost of not reporting things like geolocation and screen resolution.

To get it working you will need to set the GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID in your settings file:

# settings.py

Testing changes

Run the tests to make sure everything works:

$ python setup.py test