
Helpers for streaming uploads and downloads of files.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


sup is a package providing helpers for streaming upload and download of content-addressed media. It is meant to be pluggable for storage interfaces, and optionally allows limiting the filetypes that can be uploaded. It aims to keep the minimal amount of data in memory or on disk at any given point, and to abort as early as possible.


The main usage of sup is through the Upload function. It takes a destination to write the data to, a source to read the data from, an assertion about what the final SHA-256 hash of the data will be, and a struct of options that control optional upload behavior. It returns a File struct, a boolean indicating whether the file was a new upload (true indicates the file didn't exist in the destination yet and was uploaded fully, false indicates the file already exists in the destination and wasn't re-uploaded), and an error.

A mirror Download function is provided, that streams a previously uploaded file from the upload destination to an io.Writer.

sup will always attempt to close any source or destination that fills the io.Closer interface.


Storers are the upload destinations that fill the Storer interface. Their methods are described below.


Storer implementations must fill the Upload method, which accepts an io.WriteCloser and a path. The Storer should persist the data written to the io.WriteCloser in such a way that it can be retrieved by specifying the same path. The data should not be persisted until Close is called on the WriteCloser.

They must provide an Upload method that will return an io.WriteCloser that the provided path can be written to; this is where the data being uploaded will be written. They must also provide a Delete method that will remove a file that has been uploaded, and a Stat method that will retrieve the information needed for a File struct.


Storer implementations must fill the Download method, which accepts a path and returns an io.ReadCloser. The returned io.ReadCloser should return an io.EOF when there's no more data to be read.


Storer implementations must fill the Delete method, which accepts a path and returns an error. Once Delete is called, calls to Download and Stat should not be able to find the file anymore, and Upload should not see the file as uploaded anymore when doing its duplication checks.


Storer implementations must fill the Stat method, which accepts a path and returns the information necessary to build a File struct, if the path exists.


The UploadOptions struct contains the configuration parameters to control the optional behavior of the Upload function. Each option has more information contained below.


AcceptedMIMEs, when set, will examine the file being uploaded as it is uploaded and check to make sure the detected MIME type of the file is one of the listed types. If not, an error will be returned and the upload will be aborted.

File structs

The File type represents an uploaded file and contains metadata about it. It contains the SHA256 hash of the file, the size of the file in bytes, and the detected MIME type of the file's contents.