
Various small Arduino sketches

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Various small Arduino sketches

readrom - read data from old EPROM chips

See http://simonwinder.com for details of shield. http://simonwinder.com/2015/05/how-to-read-old-eproms-with-the-arduino/

You can also find a schematic and also a photo of the custom Arduino shield needed for reading the contents of old EPROMS.

Usage: You have to have a serial connection open at 9600 baud. The program expects a single command which is 'm'. This means list memory. For example if you have a ROM connected you might type "m 0 0400" This will list the memory bytes from location 0 in hex through 0400 in hex. If you want to just look at 16 bytes then you can leave off the end address.

mousecam - interface with a ADNS-3080 based optical flow camera

This code reads from the camera and outputs data to the terminal. It can capture the motion vectors or else it can dump out whole frames.