
jenkins password reset steps

steps needs to observed .

here are the steps :

step 1 : choose your distribution

Mac os : /Users/your_mac_username_folder/ .jenkins linux : /var/lib/jenkins

step 2 :

find the config.xml file and edit the true to false & save the file

step 3 :

restart your jenkins using brew services stop jenkins-lts for macos || systemctl jenkins restart for ubuntu or linux

step 4 :

now you will see jenkins will disabled the login and will open automatically

step 5 :

manage jenkins >> system security >> choose jenkins own user database on the configure global security page >> apply >> save

step 6 :

now go to people >> check userid (for which password will be reset) >> scroll down choose password and click apply & save

step 7 : lastly please change the config.xml file again by putting true and restart your jenkins .