
The Improsec Easter CTF challenge 2022

Primary LanguagePython

Improsec A/S Easter Egg Hunt Capture the Flag Contest.

The Easter Bunny recently reached out to us with a most unfortunate message - they suspect that one of their chocolate feggtories could be under attack by nation-state actors, but after sending us further details, the Easter Bunny disappeared. Unfortunately, the crypto scheme we use for communicating with the Easter Bunny was designed by a former employee who also disappeared

We have the script used for encrypting outgoing messages, but not the script used for decrypting incoming messages. We need your help restoring communications.

Here are all the details you need to start your journey down the rabbit hole:

There are five eggs total, each of them with a format such as:


Please send Easter eggs to info@improsec.com before 23:59 CEST on April 18th for a chance to win a prize: One of our cool Improsec hacker hoodies. Each egg found provides one lottery number for a chance to win a prize. One winner will be randomly selected from each challenge, with five winners in total.

The encryption script (script.py) and the encrypted message (message.txt) can be found in this respository.

Good luck.