Plugin for OctoPrint - saves filename, print time and filament usage for each print
- 1
- 1
Print images or snapshots not shown
#99 opened by yavimaya - 3
- 4
Excel export hour format
#95 opened by fellipec - 2
Increase version numbering in
#94 opened by scmanjarrez - 1
Is this plugin still maintained?
#93 opened by justin-chandra - 19
Unable to Export to CSV
#91 opened by Tinkerman61 - 8
Missing filament usage
#83 opened by kb- - 6
- 4
- 7
Plugin not working properly
#77 opened by GaugeTheory - 9
History stopped getting populated
#86 opened by kb- - 1
Comments & Photos
#73 opened by OIK2 - 2
No History tab??
#84 opened by kevinbakon - 1
PrintHistory fails filamentvolume
#80 opened by tedder - 2
- 0
Track weight and volume
#81 opened by alvaroaldama92 - 3
Log filament used and time for Failed Prints
#33 opened by tinkermake - 2
Ability to delete all History Data
#71 opened by geodave810 - 0
- 1
Plugin only showing one Page
#78 opened by MrMinemeet - 11
Nothing Showing Up
#54 opened by pook0959 - 1
Prints not displaying anymore
#75 opened by noxin1 - 1
Error caused by CuraParser
#57 opened by ktinkerer - 6
Files printed from folders are not in history
#72 opened by runam0K - 1
Ability to use FilamentManager plugin
#60 opened by Mavyre - 3
Print time and filament usage not showing
#36 opened by musyne - 4
Plugin not working
#46 opened by motley74 - 2
Filament usage not tracked every time
#47 opened by jpgreth - 1
- 1
Log filament usage per usage
#64 opened by g3n35i5 - 1
- 1
Feature Request: Daily/monthly/etc statistics showing up printed hours and not parts
#56 opened by WilkoV - 1
No trash can or pencil icons
#58 opened by arose62 - 0
- 1
Print History Backup and Restore
#53 opened by joeySeal - 0
Take snapshot and save
#52 opened by lachesis - 0
Track Feed Rate
#51 opened by SHWotever - 5
Could you add Change Spool?
#44 opened by Vikinge - 8
printhistory failing with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'parse'
#48 opened by pdvorak57 - 5
Missing Data
#42 opened by danielwells - 11
Lost History with new History Upgrade
#38 opened by wmmc01 - 6
Cancelled Prints are not listed
#41 opened by kontakt - 1
- 1
octoprint.plugin - ERROR
#40 opened by kjones200 - 9
Duplicate entries and missing entries
#37 opened by JohnOCFII - 9
Large delay when accessing /history
#31 opened by LunNova - 1
- 1
Successful Print Doesn't Include Filament Usage
#32 opened by ophilli - 5
Print time blank with OctoPrint 1.3.0rc1
#34 opened by JohnOCFII