
Terraform Module that defines a VPC Internet Gateways

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform module that defines a VPC with Internet Gateway.


  • Quick start example:
module "vpc" {
  source                            = "git::https://github.com/terraform-library/aws-vpc.git?ref=master"
  name                              = "dev-vpc""
  cidr                              = ""                           
  availabilities_zones              = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1b", "eu-west-1c"]
  private_subnets                   = ["", "", ""]
  public_subnets                    = ["", "", ""]

  tags                              = {
                                       environment = "dev"


Name Default Description Required
cidr_block CIDR for the VPC No
enable_classiclink false A boolean flag to enable/disable ClassicLink for the VPC No
enable_classiclink_dns_support false A boolean flag to enable/disable ClassicLink DNS Support for the VPC No
enable_dns_hostnames true A boolean flag to enable/disable DNS hostnames in the VPC No
enable_dns_support true A boolean flag to enable/disable DNS support in the VPC No
instance_tenancy `` A tenancy option for instances launched into the VPC No
name `` Name (e.g. bastion or db) Yes
environment `` Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging) Yes
managedby `` Managedby (e.g. devops-team or terraform-library) Yes


Name Description
igw_id The ID of the Internet Gateway
vpc_id The ID of the VPC
vpc_cidr_block The CIDR block of the VPC
route_table_id The ID of the route table created by default on VPC creation
public_vpc_association_id The association ID for public IP CIDR block
private_vpc_association_id The association ID for private IP CIDR block
private_subnets List of IDs of private subnets
private_subnets_cidr_blocks List of cidr_blocks of private subnets
public_subnets List of IDs of public subnets
private_subnets_cidr_blocks List of cidr_blocks of public subnets

👬 Contribution

  • Open pull request with improvements
  • Reach out with any feedback Twitter URL