
An amazon ELB listening on port 80. - A debian 9 machine which has NGINX running. - An RDS instance running postgres.

Primary LanguageHCL


This is a example terraform template to build vpc and install NGINX on ec2 and RDS DB with This template will create following resources.

  1. VPC
  2. Public Subnet - 1
  3. Private Subnet - 2
  4. Internet Gateway
  5. NAT Gateway
  6. Route Tables
  7. ELB
  8. Security Groups
  9. Bastion Host/ Jump Server
  10. EC2 Instances
  11. Install NGINX
  12. Attach Instances to ELB 13.Create RDS DB (Postgress) 14.Attache security group of ec2

Steps to run

Clone the git repo

git clone git@github.com:imran-baig-se/terraform-new.git


cd <path to .tf file>
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply