Solutions to Codeforces Problems
- 1676A - Lucky? - Accepted
- 1676B - Equal Candies - Accepted
- 1676C - Most Similar Words - Accepted
- 1676D - X-Sum - Accepted
- 1676E - Eating Queries - Accepted
- 1676F - Longest Strike - Accepted
- 1676G - White-Black Balanced Subtrees - Accepted
- 1676H1 - Maximum Crossings (Easy Version) - Accepted
- 1676H2 - Maximum Crossings (Hard Version) - Accepted
- 1669A - Division? - Accepted
- 1669B - Triple - Accepted
- 1669C - Odd/Even Increments - Accepted
- 1669D - Colorful Stamp - Accepted
- 1669E - 2-Letter Strings - Accepted
- 1669F - Eating Candies - Accepted
- 1669G - Fall Down - Accepted
- 1669H - Maximal AND - Accepted
- 1454A - Special Permutation - Accepted
- 1454B - Unique Bid Auction - Accepted
- 1454C - Sequence Transformation - Accepted
- 1454D - Number into Sequence - Accepted
- 1451A - Subtract or Divide - Accepted
- 1451B - Non-Substring Subsequence - Accepted
- 1451C - String Equality - Accepted
- 1440A - Buy the String - Accepted
- 1440B - Sum of Medians - Accepted
- 1440C1 - Binary Table (Easy Version) - Accepted
- 1440C2 - Binary Table (Hard Version) - Accepted
Virtual participation
- 1426A - Floor Number - Accepted
- 1426B - Symmetric Matrix - Accepted
- 1426C - Increase and Copy - Accepted
- 1426D - Non-zero Segments - Accepted
Virtual participation
- 1409A - Yet Another Two Integers Problem - Accepted
- 1409B - Minimum Product - Accepted
- 1409C - Yet Another Array Restoration - Accepted
- 1352F - Binary String Reconstruction - Accepted
- 1335B - Construct the String - Accepted
- 1237A - Balanced Rating Changes - Accepted
- 1237B - Balanced Tunnel - Accepted
- 1237C1 - Balanced Removals (Easier) - Accepted
- 1237C2 - Balanced Removals (Harder) - Wrong answer
- 1217A - Creating a Character - Accepted
- 1217B - Zmei Gorynich - Accepted
- 1217C - The Number Of Good Substrings - Accepted
- 1213A - Chips Moving - Accepted
- 1213B - Bad Prices - Accepted
- 1213C - Book Reading - Accepted
- 1213D1 - Equalizing by Division (easy version) - Accepted
- 1213D2 - Equalizing by Division (hard version) - Accepted
- 1213E - Two Small Strings - Accepted
- 1207A - There Are Two Types Of Burgers - Accepted
- 1207B - Square Filling - Accepted
- 1207C - Gas Pipeline - Accepted
- 1204A - BowWow and the Timetable - Accepted
- 1204B - Mislove Has Lost an Array - Accepted
- 1204C - Anna, Svyatoslav and Maps - Accepted
- 1206A - Choose Two Numbers - Accepted
- 1206B - Make Product Equal One - Accepted
- 1206C - Almost Equal - Accepted
- 1206D - Shortest Cycle - Accepted
- 1203A - Circle of Students - Accepted
- 1203B - Equal Rectangles - Accepted
- 1203C - Common Divisors - Accepted
- 1203D1 - Remove the Substring (easy version) - Accepted
- 1203E - Boxers - Accepted
- 1202A - You Are Given Two Binary Strings... - Time limit exceeded
- 1202D - Print a 1337-string... - Time limit exceeded
- 1196A - Three Piles of Candies - Accepted
- 1196B - Odd Sum Segments - Accepted
- 1196D1 - RGB Substring (easy version) - Accepted
- 1197A - DIY Wooden Ladder - Accepted
- 1197B - Pillars - Accepted
- 1197C - Array Splitting - Memory limit exceeded
- 1178A - Prime Minister - Accepted
- 1178B - WOW Factor - Time limit exceeded
- 1178C - Tiles - Wrong answer
- 1195A - Drinks Choosing - Accepted
- 1195B - Sport Mafia - Accepted
- 1195C - Basketball Exercise - Accepted
- 1195D1 - Submarine in the Rybinsk Sea (easy edition) - Time limit exceeded
- 1194A - Remove a Progression - Accepted
- 1194B - Yet Another Crosses Problem - Time limit exceeded
- 1194C - From S To T - Accepted
- 1191A - Tokitsukaze and Enhancement - Accepted
- 1191B - Tokitsukaze and Mahjong - Accepted
- 1191C - Tokitsukaze and Discard Items - Accepted
- 1191D - Tokitsukaze, CSL and Stone Game - Wrong answer
- 1171A - Dice Rolling - Accepted
- 1171B - New Year and the Christmas Ornament - Accepted
- 1171C - Letters Rearranging - Accepted
- 1171D - Got Any Grapes? - Accepted
- 1171E - Doggo Recoloring - Accepted
- 1171F - Division and Union - Accepted
- 1141A - Game 23 - Accepted
- 1141B - Maximal Continuous Rest - Accepted
- 1141C - Polycarp Restores Permutation - Accepted
- 1141D - Colored Boots - Accepted
- 1118A - Water Buying - Accepted
- 1118B - Tanya and Candies - Accepted
- 1118C - Palindromic Matrix - Accepted
- 1118D1 - Coffee and Coursework (Easy Version) - Accepted
- 1118D2 - Coffee and Coursework (Hard Version) - Accepted
- 1118E - Yet Another Ball Problem - Accepted
- 1118F1 - Tree Cutting (Easy Version) - Accepted
- 1113A - Sasha and His Trip - Accepted
- 1113B - Sasha and Magnetic Machines - Accepted
- 1113C - Sasha and a Bit of Relax - Memory limit exceeded
- 1114A - Got Any Grapes? - Accepted
- 1114B - Yet Another Array Partitioning Task - Wrong answer
- 1114C - Trailing Loves (or L'oeufs?) - Wrong answer
- 1114D - Flood Fill - Wrong answer
- 1110A - Parity - Accepted
- 1110B - Tape - Accepted
- 1110C - Meaningless Operations - Accepted
- 1110D - Jongmah - Wrong answer
- 1110E - Magic Stones - Wrong answer
- 1106A - Lunar New Year and Cross Counting - Accepted
- 1106B - Lunar New Year and Food Ordering - Accepted
- 1106C - Lunar New Year and Number Division - Accepted
- 1106D - Lunar New Year and a Wander - Accepted
- 1101A - Minimum Integer - Accepted
- 1101B - Accordion - Accepted
- 1101C - Division and Union - Accepted
- 1101E - Polycarp's New Job - Accepted
- 1102A - Integer Sequence Dividing - Accepted
- 1102B - Array K-Coloring - Accepted
- 1102C - Doors Breaking and Repairing - Accepted
- 1102D - Balanced Ternary String - Accepted
- 1097A - Gennady and a Card Game - Accepted
- 1097B - Petr and a Combination Lock - Accepted
- 1097C - Yuhao and a Parenthesis - Accepted
- 1091A - New Year and the Christmas Ornament - Accepted
- 1091B - New Year and the Treasure Geolocation - Accepted
- 1091C - New Year and the Sphere Transmission - Accepted
- 1096A - Find Divisible - Accepted
- 1096B - Substring Removal - Accepted
- 1096C - Polygon for the Angle - Wrong answer
- 1095A - Repeating Cipher - Accepted
- 1095B - Array Stabilization - Accepted
- 1095C - Powers Of Two - Accepted
- 1092A - Uniform String - Accepted
- 1092B - Teams Forming - Accepted
- 1092C - Prefixes and Suffixes - Wrong answer
- 1093A - Dice Rolling - Accepted
- 1093B - Letters Rearranging - Accepted
- 1093C - Mishka and the Last Exam - Accepted
- 1093D - Beautiful Graph - Wrong answer
- 1080A - Petya and Origami - Accepted
- 1080B - Margarite and the best present - Accepted
- 1080C - Masha and two friends - Accepted
- 1077A - Frog Jumping - Accepted
- 1077B - Disturbed People - Accepted
- 1077C - Good Array - Accepted
- 1077D - Cutting Out - Wrong answer
- 1076A - Minimizing the String - Accepted
- 1076B - Divisor Subtraction - Accepted
- 1076C - Meme Problem - Accepted
- 1073A - Diverse Substring - Accepted
- 1073B - Vasya and Books - Accepted
- 1073D - Berland Fair - Time limit exceeded
- 1037A - Packets - Accepted
- 1037B - Reach Median - Accepted
- 1037C - Equalize - Accepted
- 1037D - Valid BFS? - Accepted
- 1015A - Points in Segments - Accepted
- 1015B - Obtaining the String - Accepted
- 1015C - Songs Compression - Accepted
- 1015D - Walking Between Houses - Accepted
- 1015E1 - Stars Drawing (Easy Edition) - Wrong answer
- 1006A - Adjacent Replacements - Accepted
- 1006B - Polycarp's Practice - Accepted
- 1006C - Three Parts of the Array - Accepted
- 1008A - Romaji - Accepted
- 1008B - Turn the Rectangles - Accepted
- 1008C - Reorder the Array - Time limit exceeded
- 1003A - Polycarp's Pockets - Accepted
- 1003B - Binary String Constructing - Accepted
- 1003C - Intense Heat - Accepted
- 996A - Hit the Lottery - Accepted
- 996B - World Cup - Accepted
- 996D - Suit and Tie - Accepted
- 996E - Leaving the Bar - Wrong answer
- 991A - If at first you don't succeed... - Accepted
- 991B - Getting an A - Accepted
- 991C - Candies - Wrong answer
- 999A - Mishka and Contest - Accepted
- 999B - Reversing Encryption - Accepted
- 999C - Alphabetic Removals - Accepted
- 988A - Diverse Team - Accepted
- 988B - Substrings Sort - Accepted
- 988C - Equal Sums - Accepted
- 988E - Divisibility by 25 - Time limit exceeded
- 979A - Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!!! - Accepted
- 979B - Treasure Hunt - Wrong answer
- 979C - Kuro and Walking Route - Wrong answer
- 978A - Remove Duplicates - Accepted
- 978B - File Name - Accepted
- 978C - Letters - Accepted
- 978D - Almost Arithmetic Progression - Wrong answer
- 978E - Bus Video System - Accepted
- 977A - Wrong Subtraction - Accepted
- 977B - Two-gram - Accepted
- 977C - Less or Equal - Accepted
- 977D - Divide by three, multiply by two - Accepted
- 962A - Equator - Accepted
- 962B - Students in Railway Carriage - Accepted
- 962C - Make a Square - Accepted
- 959A - Mahmoud and Ehab and the even-odd game - Accepted
- 959B - Mahmoud and Ehab and the message - Accepted
- 959C - Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm - Accepted
- 954A - Diagonal Walking - Accepted
- 954B - String Typing - Accepted
- 954C - Matrix Walk - Wrong answer
- 954D - Fight Against Traffic - Wrong answer
- 939A - Love Triangle - Accepted
- 939B - Hamster Farm - Accepted
- 939C - Convenient For Everybody - Time limit exceeded
- 922A - Cloning Toys - Accepted
- 922B - Magic Forest - Accepted
- 922C - Cave Painting - Accepted
- 922D - Robot Vacuum Cleaner - Wrong answer
- 916A - Jamie and Alarm Snooze - Accepted
- 869A - The Artful Expedient - Accepted
- 869B - The Eternal Immortality - Accepted
- 869C - The Intriguing Obsession - Accepted
- 867A - Between the Offices - Accepted
- 864A - Fair Game - Accepted
- 864B - Polycarp and Letters - Accepted
- 864C - Bus - Accepted
- 864D - Make a Permutation! - Accepted
- 842A - Kirill And The Game - Accepted
- 842B - Gleb And Pizza - Accepted
- 842C - Ilya And The Tree - Wrong answer
- 835A - Key races - Accepted
- 835B - The number on the board - Accepted
- 835C - Star sky - Time limit exceeded
- 834A - The Useless Toy - Accepted
- 834B - The Festive Evening - Accepted
- 834C - The Meaningless Game - Wrong answer
- 820A - Mister B and Book Reading - Wrong answer
- 820C - Mister B and Boring Game - Memory limit exceeded
- 821A - Okabe and Future Gadget Laboratory - Accepted
- 821B - Okabe and Banana Trees - Accepted
- 821C - Okabe and Boxes - Wrong answer
- 816A - Karen and Morning - Accepted
- 816B - Karen and Coffee - Accepted
- 816C - Karen and Game - Accepted
- 805A - Fake NP - Accepted
- 805B - 3-palindrome - Accepted
- 805C - Find Amir - Accepted
- 805D - Minimum number of steps - Accepted
- 795C - Maximum Number - Accepted
- 795D - Lie or Truth
- 795K - Stepan and Vowels
- 785A - Anton and Polyhedrons - Accepted
- 785B - Anton and Classes - Accepted
- 785C - Anton and Fairy Tale - Accepted
- 770A - New Password
- 770B - Maximize Sum of Digits
- 770C - Online Courses in BSU - Accepted
- 770D - Draw Brackets! - Accepted
- 769A - Year of University Entrance
- 769B - News About Credit
- 769C - Cycle In Maze - Accepted
- 769D - k-Interesting Pairs of Integers
- 779A - Pupils Redistribution - Accepted
- 779B - Weird Rounding - Accepted
- 779C - Dishonest Sellers - Accepted
- 777A - Shell Game - Accepted
- 777B - Game of Credit Cards - Accepted
- 777C - Alyona and Spreadsheet - Accepted
- 768A - Oath of the Night's Watch - Accepted
- 768B - Code for 1 - Accepted
- 768C - Jon Snow and his Favourite Number - Accepted
- 767A - Snacktower - Accepted
- 765A - Neverending competitions - Accepted
- 765B - Code obfuscation - Accepted
- 765C - Table Tennis Game 2 - Accepted
Problems solved: 327