
Task 1 : Movie App

Problem Statement

Create an application with the mentioned flow:
Firebase Google Login -> Home Page
Home Page must contain:
1: Bottom Navigation with options: Movies (landing screen), Favourites, Watchlist

2: Movies screen will contain images, names, and genre/category cards. The user should be able to search for his movies on the same screen.

The user can mark the movies as Favourites or on a Watchlist. This list should be unique for each

3: The Favourite screen contains that user’s favourite list of movies

4: The watchlist screen contains that user’s movies he/she wants to watch later.

Movies when clicked will open up a screen containing the following details:
 Movie Banner
 Name
 Overview/Description
 Release Date
 Genre
 User ratings/Score (in the form of Circular Progress Bar)
 Play Now – On Clicking this the user will receive an In-App Notification with the message
“Movie is Playing”

5: Logout
API Doc – TMDB (

Task 2 : Hotel App

Create an application with the mentioned flow:
Firebase Google Login -> Home Page
Home Page must contain:
1: Cards with the Hotel Details as follows: Name, Some Images of the hotel (auto sliding images),
City, Star, Rating (should be shown through design), and a Book Now Button.

2: The user should be able to search for a particular hotel.

3: On clicking the cards, it should expand to show the hotel review comments as received through
the API.

4: On Clicking Book Now the User should receive an in-app Notification that says “Your booking has
been confirmed”.

5: Logout

Task 3 : Recipe App

Problem Statement

Create an application with the mentioned flow:
Firebase Google Login -> Home Page
Home Page must contain:

1: Bottom Navigation with options: Recipe, Calorie, Diet

2: Recipe Screen should have the following:
 Search bar for Searching Recipes
 List of recipes (Indian by default)
 List should be in card form which should display -> Image, Title, Count of Protein and Fat
(should be displayed in UI ex- Circular bar), Order Now Button (On Clicking it should send an
In-App Notification saying “Order Placed”)

3: On the calorie screen, the user should get the recipes for the given calories in the card view with

the same details mentioned above.
4: On the Diet Screen, The user should be given some options(refer API Docs for these options on
the Try API section) and on the basis of user response, the recipes should be displayed in the abovementioned format.

5: Logout