1. You should not use node js
2. The project is simple html page with reactjs
you should use
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@18/umd/react.development.js"
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@18/umd/react- dom.development.js"
3. Reference for using reactjs in a html webpage
4. Please refer image , you have to create a simple html page with below mentioned content in
either table format or div format
5. Every column should be editable and when edited the data should be ready to post to API ( to
any database )
6. Backend is not needed but the frontend data should be ready to post to api
1. Create a notes web app
2. Database must be MySQL
3. Should be a simple design
4. Delete and add note should work and insert data inside db
1. Post data to Api endpoint : https://chimpu.xyz/api/post.php
2. Only variable to post Post : phonenumber
3. Once you post data to the above endpoint with the mentioned variable you’ll receive data in
4. You will have to print the data received in headers on the page
5. You should not use Node Js instead have to use the link given below: