- Django for the backend application structure and ORM.
- Django Rest Framework for RESTful APIs.
- djangorestframework-simplejwt for API authentication.
- drf-spectacular for API endpoints schema.
- Git & GitHub for project version management.
- PostgreSQL database for storing data.
- Django templates, CSS, and Bootstrap for the frontend.
- Hosted photos on Cloudinary.
- Users can register, log in, and log out.
- User roles: Regular users and administrators.
- Users can create, update, and delete tasks.
- Tasks have the following properties:
- title
- description
- photos
- due date
- priority (High, Medium, Low)
- status (To Do, In Progress, Done)
- Each user can only view and manage their own tasks.
- Tasks are associated with the user who created them.
- Users can filter tasks based on creation date, status, priority, and due date.
- Sorting tasks by various criteria (e.g., due date, priority, status).
- comprehensive testing for models, views, and API endpoints.
- comprehensive documentation to guide users on interacting with the API, including authentication and endpoints.
>> git clone https://github.com/imrand-dev/task-manager.git
>> cd task-manager
If your version does not match mine (Python 3.12), follow these steps to update the project configuration.
- Update Pipfile:
- Open
from your project directory. - Change the "python_version" to "3.10" in the "[requires]" section.
[requires] python_version = "3.10"
- Open
- Update Pipfile.lock:
- Open
from your project directory. - Change the "python_version" in the "requires" section to "3.10".
"requires": { "python_version": "3.10" },
- Open
- After making changes to the "Pipfile", regenerate the "Pipfile.lock" using
pipenv lock
Before creating a virtual environment, make sure you've already installed pipenv
globally on your machine.
>> pipenv install (To create a new virtual env)
>> pipenv shell (To activate the virtual env)
Although when you run pipenv install
this command for the first time to create a virtual environment, all project dependencies are also installed inside the new environment.
So run this command kinda optional pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
- Enter the main project directory
cd projectile
. - There you'll see
file, rename it to.env
and fill out all the fields.
>> python manage.py makemigrations
>> python manage.py migrate
I've already added a command that will generate a superuser with predefined fields.
>> python manage.py superuser
then use this email and password
Email - john@gmail.com
Password - 123456
If you want to create a superuser on your own, run this command instead.
python manage.py create_superuser
>> python manage.py runserver
This command will start the development server, now open your browser and got to
to see all tasks.
Go to
and log in with the superuser credentials you created. This will allow you to manage users, tasks and other data using the Django admin interface.