
Build Mesos for any supported platform locally, with Docker *

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Mesos locally

Build Mesos for any supported platform locally, with Docker *. This program is a wrapper for the fantastic mesos-deb-packaging.


Clone, make sure you have Docker and Git installed and working. You are ready to go. This program uses Docker via command line and it works perfectly fine with Docker Toolbox.

git clone https://github.com/radekg/mesos-toolbox.git
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/mesos-toolbox

* Supported target operating systems

  • Centos 7.1
  • Debian Jessie
  • Fedora 21
  • Fedora 22
  • Fedora 23
  • Ubuntu Precise
  • Ubuntu Trusty
  • Ubuntu Xenial

More to come soon...


Below is the documentation of all available commands.


To build an arbitrary tagged version:

$> mesos-toolbox.py build --mesos-version 0.27.2 --os ubuntu:precise

To build from master branch:

$> mesos-toolbox.py build --mesos-version master --os ubuntu:precise

To build from arbitrary commit sha:

$> SHA=...
$> mesos-toolbox.py build --mesos-master-branch $SHA --mesos-version $SHA --os debian:jessie

To use an alternative repository:

$> mesos-toolbox.py build --mesos-version 0.28.0-rc2 --os debian:jessie --mesos-git-repository https://github.com/<username>/mesos-fork.git


This command is going to list available tags for a given repository.

$> mesos-toolbox.py show-releases
INFO:mesos-toolbox.py:Updating sources for https://github.com/apache/mesos.git...

To use an alternative repository:

$> mesos-toolbox.py show-releases --mesos-git-repository https://github.com/<username>/mesos-fork.git
INFO:mesos-toolbox.py:Updating sources for https://github.com/<username>/mesos-fork.git...


List builds stored locally:

$> mesos-toolbox.py show-builds


Remove a local build.

$> mesos-toolbox.py clean-build --mesos-version 0.27.2 --os ubuntu:precise
You are about to remove Mesos build for 0.27.2 ubuntu:precise.
Are you sure you want to proceed? (y or yes to continue): y


List git origins with Mesos sources.


List git origins with mesos-deb-packaging sources.

Docker images

The toolbox comes with a bunch of Docker files for the Mesos build process. There is one Docker file per operating system. These files can be found in the docker folder.
It is possible to use an alternative directory containing your own Docker file. To do so, use --docker-templates configuration option.
The assumption is:

$> DOCKER_TEMPLATES_DIR=/tmp/alternative-docker-templates
drwxr-xr-x  3 rad  staff  102 26 Mar 23:37 alpine:3.1
$> ls -la $DOCKER_TEMPLATES_DIR/alpine\:3.1/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 rad  staff  102 26 Mar 23:37 .
drwxr-xr-x  7 rad  staff  238 26 Mar 23:36 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 rad  staff  756 26 Mar 23:37 Dockerfile

To build for the system shown above, the following command can be used:

$> mesos-toolbox.py build --mesos-version master --os alpine:3.1

The build failed, what do I do

OK, so the build has failed with the error message similar to this:

$> mesos-toolbox.py build --mesos-version 0.27.2 --os fedora:23
INFO:mesos-toolbox.py:Recording build process to /Users/rad/.mesos/temp/0.27.2-fedora-23.1459293623.log.
ERROR:mesos-toolbox.py:Mesos build failed. Leaving build log and temp directories for inspection. mesos=/Users/rad/.mesos/temp/0.27.2-fedora-23; packaging=/Users/rad/.mesos/temp/0.27.2-fedora-23-packaging

The program has left the following artefacts on the drive:

  • <work-dir>/0.27.2-fedora-23.1459293623.log
  • <work-dir>/0.27.2-fedora-23
  • <work-dir>/0.27.2-fedora-23-packaging

You can find the docker command used for the last build in the log file:

$> cat <work-dir>/.mesos/temp/0.27.2-fedora-23.1459293623.log | grep 'docker run'
docker run -ti -v /Users/rad/.mesos/temp/0.27.2-fedora-23-packaging:/mesos-deb-packaging -v /Users/rad/.mesos/temp/0.27.2-fedora-23:/mesos-src mesos-docker-build-fedora-23 /bin/bash -c cd /mesos-deb-packaging

Copy everything until -c, paste in your terminal and run. In the container:

cd /mesos-deb-packaging && ./build_mesos --src-dir /mesos-src

You are set for debugging.


To be added.


Author: Rad Gruchalski (radek@gruchalski.com)

This work will be available under Apache License, Version 2.0.

Copyright 2016 Rad Gruchalski (radek@gruchalski.com)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.