
IsolatedService provides an unobtrusive way of faking services

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



IsolatedService provides an unobtrusive way of faking services in Rails which is especially useful in service oriented architecture environments. It generates a sinatra based application in your lib directory that acts as a stand in for your actual service. Here are a few benefits:

  • Increased response time because you are hitting a lightweight app on your own development machine

  • Don’t need to be on the internal network if you are using an internal service

  • Services are always available :)


Add the gem to you Gemfile

gem "isolated_service", :group => :development

Then do your usual bundle install

Setting Up a Fake Service

Now you can run the isolated_service generator to start building out your fake service

rails g isolated_service auth

This also generates (or appends) a Procfile with the following line. Adjust the port as necessary

auth_isolated_service: rackup --port 3900 lib/isolated_service/auth/auth.ru

Update your service’s yml file to point to your fake service. Also include a conditional that checks for the a ENV variable called ISOLATE. For example

base_url: <%= ENV["ISOLATE"] ? "http://localhost:3900" : "http://youractualservice" %>

Stub out your service calls in the generated file located at


Start your fake service

foreman start

Start your server with the ISOLATE=true environment variable

ISOLATE=true rails s

Don’t want to use your fake services? Don’t set the ISOLATE variable. Now your rails application will hit your fake sinatra based service!

Troubleshooting and FAQs

How do I read my yaml file if there is ruby in there?

You will need to wrap your yaml file with ERB. For example:


Do I need to use foreman?

No. Foreman is just being used to run your rack app. You can rackup your fake service directly in your terminal.

How do I set an enviroment variable with pow?

Add the following line to the .powenv file in your root directory:
export ISOLATE=true

Got an issue?

Go here and make a new issue request: github.com/imranraja85/isolated_service/issues

Contributions and Credits

Coded by Imran Raja github.com/imranraja85

Inspired by @chrishunt’s RubyConf talk “Service Oriented Architecture at Square”. You can view it here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mesJxUVZyI