
A repository contains my works on solving Geetest CAPTCHA. If you think this repository is interesting or helpful, please star it!!!

Project URL: Attempt To Solve Geetest CAPTCHA

Geetest CAPTCHA:

  1. (Chinese Version)
  2. (English Version, but it is not unavailable)


  1. New Geetest Click Break.ipynb (It contains the code you should run)
  2. (It contains some helper functions New Geetest Click Break.ipynb will use)
  3. demo CAPTCHA Screen Capture.jpg (Screen Capture of a demo CAPTCHA teh New Geetest Click Break.ipynb try to solve inside, you may comment & uncomment some cells of New Geetest Click Break.ipynb to sovle real Geetest CAPTCHA)
  4. demo.jpg (CAPTCHA file, it is different from screen capture, as we cannot obtain all informatiom from the screen capture)


  • Programming Language: Python 3.7.5
  • Utility: Jupyter Notebook 6.0.2
  • Library: opencv-python 3.4.1
  • Library: numpy 1.17.3
  • Library: Pillow 6.2.1
  • Library: matplotlib 3.1.2
  • Library: scipy 1.3.1
  • Library: selenium 3.141.0

It is recommeneded to use Anaconda and pip to install the above dependencies.