
An NPM Package for converting and downloading json data as csv

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Node.js package that allows you to download CSV data generated from JSON data. It supports the following functionality:

  • Export JSON data to a CSV file
  • Customizable headers, filename, and delimiter
  • Ability to exclude specific keys from the exported data
  • Ability to add a callback function to run after download


You can install this package using npm:

npm install download-csv-from-json


First, you will need to import the package:

import downloadCSVFromJSON from 'download-csv-from-json';

Then, you can use the downloadCSVFromJSON function to download CSV data from JSON data. Here's an example:

const jsonData = [
  { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, email: 'john.doe@example.com' },
  { name: 'Jane Smith', age: 25, email: 'jane.smith@example.com' },
  { name: 'Bob Johnson', age: 40, email: 'bob.johnson@example.com' },

downloadCSVFromJSON(jsonData, 'data.csv', ',', ['email'], () => {
  console.log('Download complete!');

This example will export the jsonData array to a CSV file called data.csv, with , as the delimiter, and the email field excluded. Once the download is complete, the console will log Download complete!.

Customizing Headers

By default, the exported CSV file will use the same keys as the JSON data. However, you can customize the headers by passing in an array of header names as the fourth argument to the downloadCSVFromJSON function. For example:

const headers = ['Name', 'Age'];

downloadCSVFromJSON(jsonData, 'data.csv', ',', headers);

This example will export the jsonData array to a CSV file called data.csv, with , as the delimiter, and the headers Name and Age.

Customizing Delimiters

By default, the delimiter used in the exported CSV file is a tab character (\t). You can customize the delimiter by passing in a string as the third argument to the downloadCSVFromJSON function. For example:

downloadCSVFromJSON(jsonData, 'data.csv', ';');

This example will export the jsonData array to a CSV file called data.csv, with ; as the delimiter.

Excluding Keys

You can exclude specific keys from the exported data by passing in an array of key names as the fourth argument to the downloadCSVFromJSON function. For example:

downloadCSVFromJSON(jsonData, 'data.csv', ',', ['email']);

This example will export the jsonData array to a CSV file called data.csv, with , as the delimiter, and the email field excluded.

Callback Function

You can add a callback function to run after the download is complete by passing it as the fifth argument to the downloadCSVFromJSON function. For example:

downloadCSVFromJSON(jsonData, 'data.csv', ',', [], () => {
  console.log('Download complete!');

This example will export the jsonData array to a CSV file called data.csv, with , as the delimiter, and the callback function will log Download complete! once the download is complete.


This package is licensed under the ISC license.