
For React TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started with React-TypeScript App with Redux & Tailwind CSS

How To Run This Project

Run npm start Project will be launch here : http://localhost:3000

Description of Folder Structure

|-- api-client (axios setup and intercepting related)
|-- components (all tsx files i.e. components - layouts,screens,pages,header,footer,)
|-- environment (production or staging related configuration)
|-- interface (data-type definition of state/different objects)
|-- redux-store (redux setup - epic, reducer, store)
|-- service (api call to backend services)
|-- utils (helper-functions, constants are here)

Description of Component Rendering Hierarchy

(MainLayout renders differnt screen-component as {children}
      according to route setup | screen-component
        renders sceen specific page-components)
        |                |               |
HeaderComponent.tsx  {children} FooterComponent.tsx

How to Create a Similar Project By Yourself

Step-1: Command for Creating TypeScript-React App

npx create-react-app your-app-name --template typescript