#Part 1

Using your preferred language and frameworks write a simple web, iOS, Command line, or Android app that does the following: Allows a user to input a search term and then press the "GO" button Get a GIF from the Giphy API based on the search term Display that GIF Use the following API to retrieve GIFs:


In case you are curious, here is a link to the GIPHY API documentation, but you should not need it.


Make sure to grab the url for the actual GIF and not the url for a webpage with the GIF on it. The api returns both. If you are making a mobile app and you are having trouble getting the GIF to animate, feel free to use a webview instead of an imageview. “Data” in the json response is an array Your application should look something like this, but don’t worry about making it look pretty

#Part 2 Add autocomplete to your GIF search! Use this short list as your source for the autocomplete suggestions (it is okay to hard-code this list):

about above across app apple appreciate bad ball balloon bell cat