
Implementation of a very simple ray tracing algorithm to render a torus. It was part of an assignment of my SciVis course in fall 2014.

Primary LanguageC++

A very simple raytracer (fall 2014)

  • This program takes in several user parameters and produces an offline image of the synthetic torus function.
  • Slight shift is that y is height, z is depth and x is width
  • Light source is at location (0,0,100), i.e. directly behind torus

Contribution of work:

Justin: - Camera creation - Ray trace setup - Command line arguments and user input

Jubair: - Synthetic Function - Bisection method - Lighting (Phong Illumination) - Bitmap writing code found from online resource, exact source unavailable at this time

Joint: - file output found and intially worked on by Jubair and modified by Justin to fit the code context

Alt text

command line arguments:

-cameraAngle x			->	rotate camera around volume by x degrees. <Default is 0 degrees facing depth>
-cameraResolution x		-> 	set resolution of the camera width to x. Expects an even value for resolution <default is 400>
-isoValue x				->  define the isovalue being sought <defaults to 0>
-outFile x				->  name the resulting image file x.bmp <default file name is result.bmp>. 
-help					->  provide information on how to use system
-paramFile x			->  opens the given file x and reads the 4 parameter values from it
								- order of parameters in file are resolution/angle/isoValue/outputFileName
								- only 4 lines in param file with no qualifier, just the values
please remember that you must provide both a qualifier and a valid value/name after that qualifier for the correct behaviour
non-invoked arguments are set to their default

To run: -> make -> ./render [arguments]

Citations: - Vec3f was provided in CPSC 687 by TA Andrew Owens to simplifyy vector representation and calculation - skeletal structure of class organization and makefile format also from this class - Bitmap writing code found from online resource, exact source unavailable at this time

name of sample output files:



  • Different angle for camera does not generate correct output.

How to produce given images:

./render -cameraResolution 1024 -cameraAngle 30 -outFile 30deg ./render -cameraResolution 1024 -cameraAngle 60 -outFile 60deg ./render -cameraResolution 1024 -cameraAngle 90 -outFile 90deg ./render -cameraResolution 1024 -cameraAngle 180 -outFile 180deg ./render -cameraResolution 1024 -cameraAngle 270 -outFile 270deg ./render -cameraResolution 1024 -cameraAngle 0 -outFile 0deg