User Service

The user service is a gRPC service from which we get user data from database.


  • -server-port=9092 To run on port 9092

  • -log-level=debug To see diffrent level of logs (debug,info,fatal)

Running on Docker

To run User Service inside docker follow below stps:

  1. Build Dockerfile:

    $ docker build -t grpc-server .

  2. Run Docker image:

    $ docker run -d --name grpc-server -p 9092:9092 grpc-server:latest


    To run server on custom port and use different log level there are two flags.

    2.1. -server-port=8081 To run on port 8081

    2.2. -log-level=debug For debug logs

    with flags docker run command

    $ docker run -d --name grpc-server -p 8081:8081 grpc-server:latest -server-port=8081 -log-level=debug

Run on local machine

To run on local machine we need to first follow below steps:

  1. Run command to download dependacy:

    $ go mod download

  2. To build and run:

    $ GOOS=linux go build -o grpc-server main.go

    $ ./grpc-server

  3. To run on system without building executable:

    $ go run main.go


To test the system install grpcurl which is a command line tool which can interact with gRPC API's

$ go install

User Data

      "id": "1",
      "fname": "Tony",
      "city": "Maliby",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 5.67,
      "Married": true
      "id": "2",
      "fname": "Thor",
      "city": "Asgard",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 6.67
      "id": "3",
      "fname": "Peter",
      "city": "New York",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 5.3,
      "Married": true

List Services

usign --plaintext for not secure stream like tls.

$ grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 list

List Methods

$ grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 list UserDetail

Methods detail for GetUser

$ grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 describe UserDetail.GetUser
UserDetail.GetUser is a method:
rpc GetUser ( .UserDetailRequest ) returns ( .UserDetailResponse );

Methods detail for GetUsersList

$ grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 describe UserDetail.GetUsersList
UserDetail.GetUsersList is a method:
rpc GetUsersList ( .ListOfUserDetailsRequest ) returns ( .ListOfUserDetailsResponse );

Request to Get User from gRPC service

Success Response:

$ grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"id": 1}' localhost:9092 UserDetail/GetUser

  "users": {
    "id": "1",
    "fname": "Tony",
    "city": "Maliby",
    "phone": 1234567890,
    "height": 5.67,
    "Married": true

Error Response:

$ grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"id": 4}' localhost:9092 UserDetail/GetUser

  Code: NotFound
  Message: User with id 4 doesn't exist in Database

Request to Get List of User from gRPC service

Success Response:

$ grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"ids": [1,2,3]}' localhost:9092 UserDetail/GetUsersList

  "users": [
      "id": "1",
      "fname": "Tony",
      "city": "Maliby",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 5.67,
      "Married": true
      "id": "2",
      "fname": "Thor",
      "city": "Asgard",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 6.67
      "id": "3",
      "fname": "Peter",
      "city": "New York",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 5.3,
      "Married": true

With invalid user id:

$ grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"ids": [1,2,3,4]}' localhost:9092 UserDetail/GetUsersList

  "users": [
      "id": "1",
      "fname": "Tony",
      "city": "Maliby",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 5.67,
      "Married": true
      "id": "2",
      "fname": "Thor",
      "city": "Asgard",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 6.67
      "id": "3",
      "fname": "Peter",
      "city": "New York",
      "phone": 1234567890,
      "height": 5.3,
      "Married": true
  "error": {
    "code": 5,
    "message": "Ids doesn't exist [4] in database"