
An example travis configuration for getting a Magento 2 enviornment up and running


This is a slightly modified version of the travis build script I created for pestle, my Magento 2 code generate tool/module base PHP command line framework.

This script will get you

  1. A working PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 build enviornment
  2. A php-fpm webserver
  3. A MySQL server
  4. An installed Magento with configurable install parameters
  5. An extra installed composer package of your choice

Assuming your module is setup in a git repository somewhere as a composer package, you should be able to change

- PULSESTORM_COMPOSER_REPOSITORY_TO_TEST=git@github.com:astorm/pestle.git

to point to your repository. The travis script will checkout magento's develop branch, add your github repository as a composer repository, require in your named composer package, and then install Magento 2. At the end of the process you'll have a built out Magento enviornment that's suitable for running integration/acceptance tests against.

The rest should be self explanatory via the comments. If you're confused by something, or something doesn't work, please open a GitHub issue here.