
PowerShell Version of QAINSTA and QUERY SESSION - Glorified Cassia Wrapper Basically

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Originally authored by Shay Levy (c) 2009.

PSTerminalServices Module


The PSTerminalServices module contains functions to manage Terminal Services sessions and processes (including Remote Desktop connections).

PSTerminalServices Cmdlets

Disconnects any connected user from the session.

Provides information about the session in which the current process is running.

Gets a list of processes running in a specific session or in all sessions.

Enumerates all terminal servers in a given domain.

Lists the sessions on a given terminal server.

Displays a message box in the specified session Id.

Terminates the process running in a specific session or in all sessions.

Logs the session off, disconnecting any user that might be connected.

File Tree

|   PSTerminalServices.msi
|   README.md
    |   PSTerminalServices.psd1
    |   PSTerminalServices.psm1
    |       Cassia.dll
    |       Cassia.zip
    |       about_PSTerminalServices_Module.help.txt
    |       Disconnect-TSSession.md
    |       Get-TSCurrentSession.md
    |       Get-TSProcess.md
    |       Get-TSServers.md
    |       Get-TSSession.md
    |       Send-TSMessage.md
    |       Stop-TSProcess.md
    |       Stop-TSSession.md