Docker files for AWS SDK for PHP

Build Status

Building docker images

docker build -t imshashank/aws-sdk-php .

Docker Tags

dockerfile/java provides multiple tagged images:

  • latest (default): PHP 7.1-cli (alias to php-7.1.4)
  • xdebug: PHP 7.1-apache with xdebug (Also includes helpful dev tools)
  • php-7.0: PHP 7.0-cli
  • php-5.6: PHP 5.6-cli


  1. Install Docker.

  2. Download automated build from public Docker Hub Registry: docker pull imshashank/aws-sdk-php

    (alternatively, you can build an image from Dockerfile: docker build -t="imshashank/aws-sdk-php"


docker run -it --rm imshashank/aws-sdk-php:latest