TaskMaster is a task management application built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React, and Material-UI (MUI). The application allows users to manage their tasks efficiently with a clean and responsive user interface.
- Create Tasks: Users can create new tasks with a title, description, and status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done").
- Update Tasks: Users can update the details of existing tasks.
- Delete Tasks: Users can delete no longer needed tasks.
- View Tasks: Users can view a list of all their tasks.
- Filter Tasks: Users can filter tasks by status (e.g., "All", "To Do", "In Progress", "Done", "Discarded").
- Sort and Search Tasks: Users can sort tasks by different criteria and search for tasks by keywords.
- User Authentication and Authorization: Secure access to the application with user authentication. Only authorized users can access and manage their tasks.
- Task Due Dates: Ability to set due dates for tasks and track them on the go.
- User Profiles: Users can have profiles with avatars. It also shows brief statistics about the tasks
- Responsive Design: The application is fully responsive and works well on all devices.
- Implemented basic security measures such as Input validations, Authorization, CORS, Logging, and Rate limiting to protect the application from common vulnerabilities.
- Server-side validation to ensure that task data is valid before saving it to the database.
A form to create a new task with fields for title, description, and status. This component ensures that all necessary information is provided before a task is created.
A list of tasks displaying the title, description, and status of each task. Users can update the status or delete a task directly from the list.
A dropdown to filter tasks by their status. Options include "All", "To Do", "In Progress", "Discarded" and "Done."
Displays user information, avatar, and brief statistics of their tasks and allows users to update their profile name.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Material-UI (MUI): A popular React UI framework for designing responsive and modern interfaces.
- tss-react: Used for styling components.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
- Express: A web application framework for Node.js.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing data across the application.
- JWT: JSON Web Tokens for secure authentication and authorization.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/imshawan/task-master.git
Install server dependencies:
cd task-master npm install
Install client dependencies:
cd ./client npm install
Set up environment variables:
- Create a
file in the server directory with the following variables:
PORT=3001 MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_uri JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret
- In the client directory
PORT=4000 REACT_APP_HOST=http://localhost:3001
- Create a
Start the server: (in dir: task-master)
npm start
Start the client:
cd ./client npm start
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Thank you for using TaskMaster! We hope it helps you stay organized and productive.