
Gujarati Text-to-Speech

Primary LanguageJava

Gujarati Text-to-Speech

Takes arbitrary Gujarati unicode characters and produces equivalent speech. WIP.

Why ?

One doesn't exist yet.

Primary Users

Though, GTTS could/would be used by everybody, visually impaired individuals are expected to be benefited the most.


Java version 1.7.0 or higher. See [Testing your Java installation] (https://github.com/samyakbhuta/gtts/wiki/Testing-your-Java-installation).

We have tested GTTS application on Linux (Fedora), Windows and Mac. It should work on systems which supports Java version 1.7.0.

How to start ?

  1. Open command line.

  2. Go to folder gtts.

  3. Run following command

java -cp bin project.gui.APPGTTS

How to contribute ?

As developer

Please start forking this project and send your pull requests. Here is [issues list] (https://github.com/samyakbhuta/gtts/issues).

Synthesis how ?

Curious how TTS works ? Here is a small [presentation] (http://www.slideshare.net/samyakbhuta/gujarati-texttospeech-presentation). We have selected an approach where earlier segmented speech units are concatenated on runtime to produce speech.

As non-developer

Help us segement

We need volunteers for segmenting the recorded spoken words to complete our database of Segement Speech Units. See details here at [Segmentation] (https://github.com/samyakbhuta/gtts/wiki/Segmentation).

Help us with your knowledge of Gujarati Language

Volunteers are needed to build extensive list of accryonyms and abbreviations that Gujarati language has seen and/or continues to see in written form. Add your entries [here] (https://github.com/samyakbhuta/gtts/blob/master/project/ss/lang/gu/prepro/GujLookUp.txt)