
Notes on Libra

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Notes on Libra White Paper.


  • 1.7 billion adults remain outside of the financial system.

  • People with less money pay more for financial services. (remittances, wirecosts, overdraft, ATM charges, financial charges)

  • We (Libra) believe that collaborating and innovating with the financial sector, including regulators and experts across a variety of industries, is the only way to ensure that a sustainable, secure and trusted framework underpins this new system.

  • What Libra tries to achieve;

    • More people to financial assets.
    • Right to control the fruit of labor.
    • global, instant movement of money.
    • People will increasingly trust decentrailzed forms of govt.
    • Global currency, financial infrastructure should be governed as a public good.
    • uphold the inegrity of the current ecosystem (non-destructive)

Introducing Libra

  • Libra is a global currency and financial infrastructure.

  • Libra is backed by a reserve of aseets -> Intrinsic value.

    • Bank deposits, short-term government securities for every libra that is created.
  • Libra is governed by Libra Association.

  • Value will remain stable.

  • HQ in Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Target launch first half of 2020. Target members 100.

  • Star with permissioned blockchain. "ambition" is to become permissionless. Bottleneck, permissionless do not scale. Transition planned within 5 years of public launch of the libra.

  • Permisonless or not, Libra Blockchain will be public.

The Libra Blockchain

  • Move lang.

  • Byzantine Fault Tolerant(BFT)

  • Merkle trees, a data structure used by other blockchains that enables the detection of any changes to existing data.

  • the Libra Blockchain is a single data structure that records the history of transactions and states over time.

    • Q:: this is just a version controlled ledger? Not blockchain?
  • pseudonymous. Libra wants to enhance privacy while considering conerns of regulartory impact.

The Libra Currency and Reserve

  • can convert their digital currency into local fiat currency based on an exchange rate

  • the reserve assets are being chosen to minimize volatility. investment-grade credit rating to provide both security and decentralization of the assets.

  • Q:: Digital portfolio with intrinsic stable value that can be sent instantly.

  • Intereset on the reserve assets will be used to cover the costs of the system -> low trans fee, pay dividiends to Libra Association.

  • Rules for allocating interest on the reserve will be set by Libra Association.

  • Q:: Libra Association better be a good portfolio investor.

  • Users/Devs of Libra do not receive a return from the reserve.

The Libra Association

  • All decisions are brought to the council, and major policy or technical decisions require the consent of two-thirds of the votes.

  • Q:: If all decisions are done through Association, why would non-associates contribute to open source Libra code?

  • Coins are only minted when authorized resellers have purchased those coins from the association with fiat assets to fully back the new coins.

  • Coins are only burned when the authorized resellers sell Libra coin to the association in exchange for the underlying assets.

Conclusion (Personal opinion)

  • Libra seems to me is a next level stable assets portfolio that is accessible by people with internet, which can be used as an currency in a country with unstable financial/political systems.

  • Impact on current crypto market is like a impact of having more stable widely adopted USDT. i.e. positive.

  • Initially, all stable assets will increase in value as more demand has been created through Libra.