
PyOpengl based Rubik cube game and its AI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyOpengl based Rubik cube game and its AI

Installation procedure

Use the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies

Running the code


Cube visualization

Full Cube The rubik's cube is visualized in a pygame window using OpenGl. The cube is represented using faces, surfaces and points. Face: The cube has 6 faces, namely up, down, front, back, right and left Surfaces: The cube has stickers consisting of points. Each face looks as follows (in terms of points):

30--31 32--33 34--35
|   |  |   |  |   |
24--25 26--27 28--29
18--19 20--21 22--23
|   |  |   |  |   |
12--13 14--15 16--17
6---7  8---9  10--11
|   |  |   |  |   |
0---1  2---3  4---5

The surfaces on each of the faces are as follows:****

6  7  8
3  4  5
0  1  2
  • The lateral surfaces are represented as given in **** assuming the when you see the lateral surface head on from outside the cube, the Up side is at the top of the cube and the Down side is at the bottom of the cube
  • The Up and Down surfaces of the cube are represented as given in **** assuming when you see the Up surface head on from outside the cube, the Back side of the cube is at the top and the Front side is at the bottom of the cube. When you see Down surface head on from outside the cube, you should see the Front surface at the top of the cube and Back surface at the bottom of the cube.

Here are the examples of first 1, first 2 and first 5 surfaces of each face: First surface First 2 surfaces First 5 surfaces

Moving the cube

The class rubiks_cube provides you with methods of the format move_XI and move_X. Here X is the initial letter of the surface and is to be used as rb.move_UI, rb.move_B, rb.move_FI. I means "inverted". For more information on the notation end of things, kindly refer to Ruwik Notation.

Cube configuration

Solving algorithm

Solving algorithm rests in src/solver.py and the rubik's class rests in src/rubiks_cube.py.