In this Repository : I have learned the various things about the python:
This are some of the commands I have used in VS code :
#=> python3 -m env environmentname
#=> mkdir foldername
#=> touch filename
#=> pip install FastApi[all]
#=> pip install pydantic
#=> source /env/bin/activate
#=> uvicorn app.main:app --reload

This project Contains the basic CRUD operations in python where there is a list called my_posts , It contains the class name Post having the objects of tile, content, published, rating with different datatypes.

I have defined two functions : one as a find_post through the id parameter and another as a find_index_post through the id obtaining the enumerate keywords for the obtaining an index list.

In the file there are various decorator like . @app.get,, @app.delete, @app.put with the different functions for the crud operation.

This repository will be helpful for those who are starting the python programing In this program I have used FastApi (NS & Go) and Pydantic which can define schema.
Overall I have also learn the basic programming in python and how to use various status code for various CRUD Functions.

Screenshot from 2023-04-13 20-23-45
