
Go link service

Primary LanguageGo


Go link service implmeented in Go lang.

How it (should) work

  1. A user creates "folders" (e.g. "foo").
  2. The user (owner) adds URL aliases to the folders (e.g. "foo/g" -> "http://google.com")
  3. Any user registers "go" (or any word) as "Search Engine" (pointing to "http://thisservice.example.com/foo") in Chrome, and opens http://google.com by typing "go g" in the "omnibox".

Alias naming convention

  • URL Alias must consist of [0-9A-Z-_.]
  • It can take one optional parameter

Features in beta

  1. A user adds URL aliases under ".beta" namespace
  2. A user resolves an alias to a URL


GET / -> 200 returns a list of pairs of alias and URL, or -> 404 if the name doesn't exist

GET // -> 302 with Location with the registered URL, or -> 404 if the alias not found, or the name doesn't exist

GET /.show// -> 200 show info about /

POST / { 'name': , 'url': } -> 302 to '/.show//'

(maybe) Useful links