
Throughout MDP, students will be required to attend relevant seminars and workshops that would help them understand the process and tools for designing, developing and marketing of real-world multidisciplinary products. These include both general and technical seminars. General seminars may cover topics such as guided innovation, multidisciplinary problem solving, working effectively in engineering teams, understanding effective marketing strategies, project management, professional, ethical and moral responsibilities etc. Technical seminars and workshops will be related to specific engineering methodology and tools that can help students implement their respective ideas. These may include systems engineering and design, large-scale web systems, embedded systems development tools, etc. In their implementation, students will have to factor in appropriate considerations for public health and safety, cultural, societal factors, environmental and other constraints as well as the needs for sustainable development. Students will be grouped into teams of about 8 member. The composition of these team members will consist of a multidisciplinary mix of CS and CE students.

Primary LanguageJava
